1. You are not in the forefront of the war against the encroachment on voting rights.
2. You think the Pauls (Rand and Ron) are credible spokesmen for human rights.
3. You make excuse for racists like Ted Rall.
4. You gleefully participate when racist tropes are used to attack the President. You see no evil, hear no evil, and want to 'splain why there is no evil.
5. When you refuse to understand why some are not as outraged as you are about spying despite being told time and time again.
6. When you laugh at the idea of Dems losing the Senate and failing to retake the House. ("har har," remember that?)
7. When, like the Republicans, you still refuse to see any good in the ACA.
8. When you blithely describe people who disagree with you on policy as "right wing DKos members."