You filthy murderer!
How dare you?!
Zimmerman goes on to express that he feels victimized by President Barack Obama. "Instead of rushing to judgment, making racially charged comments and pitting American against American, I believe that he should have taken the higher road," Zimmerman says.No remorse:
"I believe that God does everything for a purpose, and he had his plans and for me to second guess them would be hypocritical and almost blasphemous," Zimmerman said. "Had I have had a fraction of a thought that I could have done something differently, acted differently so that both of us would've survived then I would have heavier weight on my shoulders."And o yes, he compared himself to Anne Frank.
"Absolutely not," Zimmerman said. "I have to have my guard up significantly. ⦠I still believe that people are truly good at heart, as Anne Frank has said, and I will put myself in any position to help another human in any way I can."Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!