Sixteen million, four hundred thousand previously uninsured Americans now have access to quality healthcare thanks to Obamacare.
Since several of the Affordable Care Act’s March
coverage provisions took effect, about 16.4
million uninsured people have gained health
insurance coverage.
From CNN in an article titled: A surprise rise in Obamacare enrollment.
The coverage gains have delivered the largest drop in the uninsured rate in four decades, bringing that rate down to 13.2% by the end of the first quarter of 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Monday. That's down from about 20% before the health insurance marketplaces launched in late 2013.
Bear in mind that this is the law that the Republicans in the House voted approximately 50 times to repeal, and they haven't stopped fighting against it. What they fear most, however, is now coming to past: People have seen what Obamacare can do for them, and they like it. Now do your worst, Republicans. Let's see you win this fight.