I ask you, what should we do when we see instances of blatant racism and just plain old injustice such as we see in this case?
Some folks claim that they are tired of the outrage; that some of us have made careers out of getting outraged. I ask those who are suffering from such apathy to remember that it was the outrage of seeing what happened in Selma, Alabama back in '65 that moved a president to action and galvanized decent people to protest against the injustice. It was the outrage of seeing the battered face of a fourteen year old boy lying in an open casket that inspired activist, and strengthened the resolve of those who were growing weary. It is outrage and the fear of outrage which will eventually put an end to this tyranny which is being visited on black and brown people in this country.
And now another case that calls for outrage. You cannot watch the video below, and look at the circumstances surrounding it and tell me that you are not outraged. Outraged at the actions of the officer, and outraged at the response of Arizona State University.